Today’s Devotion: “What Do You MEAN When You Say LORD?”

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An elderly man met a  young man on the street.
He said, “Hey!  I remember you.  You’re one of the Johnson twins.”

“Yes,” the young man answered.

Older man, “Say.  One of you became a doctorand the other a preacher.  Which are you?”

Young man, “I’m the one that PRACTICES, my brother is the PREACHER!”


Matt. 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but hethat doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.


There are TWO definitions of the word LORD.
1) There is the SYSTEMIC (generic) definition,where one speaking of God would say, “He is Lord over all that is.”
2) There is the SPECIFIC (personal) definition, where one speaking of God would say, “He is Lord over all that  I  am!”

HOW do you CONSIDER the word LORD as
it pertains to JESUS?

In the Greek, from which Lord is translated, it is KURIOS.
The meaning there is Supreme Leader!

Jesus is the One Who CHANGES you!

I remember being in the grocery store and
approaching the clerk with several items in my shopping cart.
The sign on her register said, “EIGHT ITEMS or LESS.”
So, I told her, “My name is LESS!”

You can change your name, but you cannot
change your SELF!

Sociologists say you can change by
But the Bible says you must have a

“And you hath He QUICKENED (made alive), who were DEAD in trespasses and sin.” (Eph. 2:1)

What do you MEAN when you say Jesus is LORD?
Is He just recognized as Lord of all creation?
Or is He the Lord that HAS changed, and IS
changing you?

If Jesus is Lord of you, are you PRACTICING?

Love ya!
Bro. Bruce

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