Today’s Devotion: “BEING a Marriage PARTNER”

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They had been married 35 years.
One day they had a big argument.
Determined to get the last word, the man said,
“When I die, I’m gonna dig my way out and haunt you forever!”
About a year later he died.
After the funeral, the wife went out “partying.”
One of her friends found her sitting at the table, drink in hand.
The friend asked, “Aren’t you afraid he’ll do like he said, and dig out to haunt you.”
The wife answered, “Let him dig! I buried himupside down…..
And, you KNOW men won’t ask directions!”


Eph. 5:22
Wives submity yourselves unto your own
husbands, as unto the Lord.

Eph. 5:22
Husband, love your wives, even as Christ
also loved the church, and gave Himself
for it.


Marriage is giving up “self” for one’s partner!
In Eph. 5:22, above, the wife is to give herself for her husband.
In Eph. 5:25, above, the husband is to give himself for the wife.

When entering marriage, “self” goes out the window!
For then, one becomes a “husband,” or a “wife.”
We don’t give up our personal individuality.
But we take our personal individuality and “partner” our lives with someone else.
We become ONE!

Let’s take that thought into our lives with Christ at the forefront.
In Rev. 21:2, Christians are to give up “self” for Christ.
“And I, John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her Husband.”

We ALL, when given to Christ, become his BRIDE!

We don’t give up our personal individuality.
But we take our personal individuality and
“partner” it with Christ.
We become ONE with Him, and His purposes!

Christ’s purposes for the church – His bride – are to:

  1. Learn and grow in faith so we can become useful to Him,
  2. Pray daily and be constantly “in touch” with Christ,
  3. Attend church and be and “encourager” to others,
  4. Give to the church and support ministry activities,
  5. Share the Gospel wherever we go,
  6. And, minister aid and comfort to others.

How’s your marriage to Christ going?!
As goes your marriage to Christ, so goes your marriage to your spouse!

Love ya!
Bro. Bruce

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